Detect Sepsis Faster

Every minute counts.
The problem:
Sepsis is currently diagnosed via an invasive blood draw, after a patient has been through waiting room and triage. The time before treatment is initiated may take hours.

The VSNO™ Solution:
Rapid detection, via a non-invasive breath test, at point-of-care, with results in minutes.

How it works
VSNO™ compared to current solutions
When compared to the current non-invasive triage tests, adding Nitric Oxide (NO) to create a VSNO score improves the sepsis detection sensitivity significantly.
For conditions associated with a high mortality risk, it has been proposed that sensitivity and negative predictive values should exceed 80%. Sensitivity is important given the need to identify those patients, while high negative predictive value is important to have confidence as a rule-out measurement.
In recent clinical trials, only VSNO met the standards of high sensitivity and negative predictive value.

Clinical Trials & Milestones
Vail Scientific has completed two initial clinical trials, and is on a path to gain FDA clearance.
Key Findings:
- Statistically significant differences in NO between healthy volunteers and patients.
- Significant improvement shown in infection detection sensitivity.
- Sensitivity and Negative Predictive Value (NPV) met published recommendations for high-risk medical condition biomarker tests.